How To Clean Sofa At Home?

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Are you also one of those who often wonder how to clean the sofa at home? Sofa cleaning is essential to maintain its appearance and hygiene.

The sofa is one of the most used furniture in your home because you sit and relax on it and your guests sit here when they visit. That is why the sofa is bound to get dirty and worn out.

Regular sofa cleaning can help prevent stains, bad odours, and the buildup of allergens. But where do you start? Don’t worry! This blog will help you know how to clean sofa at home.

A person diligently scrubs a couch with a sponge, ensuring it looks fresh and clean.

1) Preparing for the Cleaning Process

You have to prepare for the cleaning process to ensure all the cleaning supplies are available. It will be convenient because you can also buy those supplies that are not available at your home.

Understanding the Fabric Care Instructions

The first step is to understand what fabric is used on the sofa, as it will help you know how to clean it. If you don’t know, you can check the care label on your sofa. It has all the details regarding how to clean the specific type of fabric. You can see there are some codes mentioned on it. These codes will ensure you won’t ruin your sofa while cleaning. These codes include-

  • W (water-based cleaners)
  • S (solvent-based cleaners)
  • WS (either water or solvent cleaners)
  • X (vacuum only)

Gathering Necessary Cleaning Supplies

After carefully reading and understanding the label instructions, you should gather your cleaning supplies. Here is the list of supplies you will need while cleaning your sofa at home.

A bucket filled with various cleaning supplies sits on the floor, ready for a thorough cleaning session.

  1. Vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment
  2. Soft-bristle brush
  3. Microfiber cloths
  4. Bucket of warm water
  5. Mild detergent or fabric cleaner
  6. VinegarBaking soda
  7. Leather cleaner if the fabric is leather

2) Vacuuming Your Sofa

Begin your sofa cleaning process by vacuuming your sofa. It is an essential step that helps remove dust, dirt, and loose debris from your sofa without scratching or staining the fabric. Ask your full-time maid because they know how to vacuum it.

A woman wearing an apron is focused on cleaning a couch, highlighting her dedication to home care and cleanliness.

Follow these steps to vacuum your sofa effectively.

  • Remove Cushions: First, remove all the cushions from your sofa.
  • Vacuum the Surface: Vacuum the sofa surface, and pay more attention to crevices because most of the dust lies in those areas only. Use the upholstery attachments to clean the sofa effectively. 
  • Vacuum the Cushions: After vacuuming the sofa surface, clean both sides of the cushions thoroughly. 
  • Tackle the Nooks and Crannies: You often find it challenging to clean the tight spots. So, consider using a smaller nozzle to clean the corners or other tight spots.

3) Spot Cleaning Stains

Is there a stain on your sofa? Then, you will need a cleaning solution that will remove these stains. But first, you will have to identify the stain type because every stain is different.

A vacuum cleaner efficiently removes dust and debris from a couch, showcasing its cleaning power in action.

Some are water-based, like juice or milk, while others are oil-based, like oil, butter, or salad dressing. You can use basic cleaning techniques to remove stains, like for-

Water-based stains - Use a mixture of mild detergent and warm water. Apply the solution on the clean or microfiber cloth, and gently clean the stain. Ensure not to rub it because it can spread the stain or damage the fabric.

Oil-based stains - You can use a solvent-based cleaner to clean the oil-based stains.

You can also clean with homemade cleaning solutions or store-bought cleaners. They both are effective and gentle on most fabrics. You can ask your domestic maid about the cleaners, as they can suggest you best.

4) Deep Cleaning Your Sofa

The best way to clean your sofa thoroughly is deep cleaning. You can use some methods, depending on the type of material. Steam cleaning can help deep clean your sofa effectively.

A vacuum cleaner efficiently removes dust and debris from a couch, showcasing its cleaning power and versatility.

It kills bacteria and germs while removing the embedded dirt within the fabric. However, avoid using it for delicate fabrics or check the care label before you use this method.

You can use a fabric cleaner as a safer alternative to steam cleaning. Use those cleaners that are designed to clean the sofa. Follow the instructions before applying it. Then, use a soft-bristle brush to clean the fabric.

5) Cleaning Different Types of Sofa Materials

A sofa is made of different types of material, which is why different cleaning methods and solutions are used, depending on the material.

A display of four distinct couches, each in a different color and style, perfect for inspiring home decor ideas.

  • Cleaning Fabric Sofas

Are you one of those who often search for how to clean fabric sofa? Fabric sofas are very easy to clean. Use the methods mentioned above and follow the care label instructions. Then, you are good to go.

  • Cleaning Leather Sofas

If you have a leather sofa, then you should clean it with extra care. Use a leather cleaner to prevent the fabric from breaking and clean it efficiently.

Ensure not to use water-based cleaners because they can damage the leather fabric. Also, avoid using harsh chemicals and excessive moisture. Use a damp cloth to blot stains.

  • Cleaning Microfiber Sofas

Microfiber sofas are durable and stain-resistant. However, still, clean them regularly to keep them in good condition. Mix mild detergent and water to create a cleaning solution for the microfiber sofa.

But, avoid excessive scrubbing, rubbing, or blotting to prevent it from becoming matted. Vacuum it regularly. For spot cleaning, use a mild detergent and a soft brush.

6) Removing Odours from Your Sofa

Does your sofa smell? It is because, over time, it develops odours from pets, spills, and everyday use. You must think that removing such odours can be difficult, but that is not the case.

You can use natural or commercial deodorizing methods to remove the foul scent. They eliminate the smell instantly and effectively.

Step-by-step guide on cleaning a couch, showcasing tools and techniques for a fresh, spotless look.

If you want to use natural deodorizing methods, use baking soda. Sprinkle it over your sofa, let it sit for a few hours, and then vacuum it thoroughly. You can also add essential oil to the baking soda if you not only want to remove the bad scent but also want to provide a fresh scent.

If you feel that the natural method may not work or want to use commercial deodorizers, choose the one that is safe for your sofa’s fabric.

7) Drying Your Sofa

After cleaning, remember to dry your sofa. Air dry it naturally and completely to prevent mould and mildew.

A blue mop rests on a couch, adding a pop of color to the cozy living room setting.

Avoid using heat, as it will damage your sofa’s fabric or can shrink them. If you want to dry it quickly, you can use fans or open windows. It will speed up the drying process. Also, dry the cushions separately.

8) Protecting Your Sofa from Post-Cleaning

Once your sofa is clean and dry, ensure its protection to make future cleaning easier. You can apply fabric protection spray to repel stains and stains. You can also take the help of an online maid service to apply it effectively.

A person diligently cleans a white couch, ensuring it looks fresh and spotless in a bright, inviting living room.

Vacuum your sofa regularly and correctly. Rotate the cushions to prevent uneven wear. If the spills or stains occur, clean and remove them immediately.

9) Common Mistakes to Avoid

You can make mistakes while cleaning your sofa at home. So, here are some common mistakes you should avoid when cleaning your sofa.

1) Over-Wetting the Sofa

The most common mistake is over-wetting your sofa during sofa cleaning. Using excessive water can cause water stains and mould growth on your sofa.

Wring out the water from your cleaning cloth or sponge before applying it can help prevent such cases.

A grey couch featuring a prominent black and white stain, adding a unique touch to its overall appearance.

2) Using Incorrect Cleaning Products

Another common mistake is using the wrong cleaning products. These products will damage your sofa instead of cleaning it.

Always use products that are designed especially for your sofa fabric. Also, testing it on a small and hidden area first can help you know if the product is safe to use on a sofa.

After completing the entire sofa cleaning process, sweep and mop to make your floors spotless.


Everyone wants to save the money spent on sofa cleaning services. This makes them look for how to clean sofa at home.

Depending on your sofa material, You can clean your sofa efficiently using the right cleaning products and tools. Vacuum your sofa effectively by following the steps to remove dust and grime.

You can use your preferred cleaning solutions to remove stains. Eliminate the foul smell using natural or commercial deodorizer based on your preferences.

Ensure to dry your sofa completely and use fabric protection spray to protect it from stains and spills.

You can also look for a maid agency in Delhi and Noida or cleaning services because they provide specific cleaning services. They can help clean your sofa more efficiently, and for the best one, you can contact NinjaCare.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 How Often Should You Clean Your Sofa?

Ans You should clean your sofa weekly. However, perform a deep cleaning every 3-6 months to make it look fresh and increase its life span.

Q2 Can You Use a Carpet Cleaner on a Sofa?

Ans Some carpet cleaners can be used on sofas, but you should check the manufacturer's instructions to know whether they are suitable for your sofa’s fabric.

Q3 How Do You Clean a Sofa with Non-Removable Covers?

Ans You can clean a sofa with non-removable covers by spot cleaning and vacuuming.

Q4 How Can You Prevent Future Stains?

Ans You can prevent future stains by applying a fabric protection spray. Taking care of the spills immediately will also help prevent stains.


By: Deepali

Sat, Sep 07, 2024

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