How to Remove Demak (Termites) from Home Permanently

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Has it ever happened that you spotted small insects gathered around your furniture or walls? They are the demak or termites, the wood-eating pests that cause damage to your home.

It causes many problems and money because it requires you to change everything and throw the things out where the demak were present.

These insects are small, but they cause massive damage. Your clothes will be damaged if they are in your closet; if it is in your drawers, they will damage everything in them.

It is a nightmare scenario, right? But don’t worry, because this blog will help you know the signs of termites and how to remove demak (termites).

What are Termites?

Termites are like silent destroyers because they work quietly, but their damage is not subtle. These are small, wood-eating insects that cause damage to your home furniture, walls, books, and other structures.

They feed on cellulose found in wood and other plant materials. They cause extensive damage, especially serious or larger termite infestations, making it essential to get rid of them when you spot the signs.

Signs of Termite Infestation

It is necessary to spot the demak before they cause damage to your house. You can do this by knowing the signs of termite infestation.

  1. The first sign is the visible damage to the wood. The long grooves in wooden structures or blistered woods are the obvious and common signs.

  2. The presence of termites is visible If you see mud tubes along the walls or crawl spaces. It is because they built these tubes to travel between their colony.

  3. The next indication is the hollow-sounding wood. You can tap on wooden structures to check if they sound hollow. If it does, it could mean termites are munching away inside.

  4. If you find discarded wings near doors or windowsills, you can be sure that termites are nearby.

  5. Frass (termite droppings) near wooden structures can be another sign of the demak. They are like small piles of sawdust or pepper-like particles.

How to Remove Demak (Termites) - DIY Methods

The DIY methods are effective when there is a minor infestation, but you will need professional help for severe ones. Here are some of the DIY approaches to answer your question: how to get rid of demak?

Diatomaceous Earth

The diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that helps kill insects by causing dehydration. Sprinkle it in areas where you have spotted the termites.


Borax is a natural mineral that is often mixed with water. It is then sprayed on affected areas to dehydrate the demak.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is the best DIY method that helps repel and kill termites. It is a natural pesticide that is diluted with water and applied to the areas where active termites are present.

Orange oil

Yes, orange oil is not only used as a natural skin toner. It has other advantages, and one of them is getting rid of termites. You can apply it directly to terminate tunnels or infested areas.


You must have used vinegar for cooking or cleaning. However, you can use it to repel these wood-eating insects.

Mix it with water and spray it on affected areas, as it will create an acidic environment considered toxic for termites.

Boric Acid Solution

It is another effective DIY method to kill the termites. You can spray it on the infested areas but don’t forget to mix it with water.

Cardboard Trap

The simple DIY method is using a cardboard trap. Place the wet cardboard near the affected area to attract the termites. Once they are on the cardboard, you can remove them.

How to Remove Demak (Termites) - Chemical Treatment

You can also use chemical treatments to control and eliminate termite infestations. You can choose it, depending on the severity of the infestation.

You can also take the help of a housekeeping service or cleaning service. Some of the chemical treatments for termites include-

Liquid Termiticides

Liquid termiticides are one of the chemical treatments that create a barrier around your home. The termites can’t cross this barrier, helping keep termites out. You can apply this chemical to the soil around the foundation.

Termite Baits

Another option is termite baits. You can place these slow-acting toxin baits around your home. Termites will bring it back to their colony, eventually killing them.

Wood Treatments

In this chemical treatment, you directly apply a termiticide to the wood. It will help protect your home from future infestations while killing the existing or active termites in the wood.


Fumigation is necessary if the infestation is severe. It can kill termites by covering your home with a tent and filling it with gas.

It is a very effective measure. However, this treatment requires professional treatment, and strict safety guidelines should be followed when using this chemical treatment.

How to Remove Demak (Termites) - Professional Treatment

If you have a severe termite infestation and tried the DIY method, but they keep coming back, you should seek professional help. They have the tools and expertise to handle the termites, even the worst ones

  • A professional help will inspect your home, identify the type and severity of infestation, locate their entry points, and suggest the best treatment plan.

  • They often use specialized termiticides because they are more effective and don’t harm the environment. From wood treatments to fumigation, they will apply chemicals through these methods.

  • The professionals will also monitor your house and provide ongoing follow-up services to ensure the thorough removal of demak or termites.

  • The cost of professional termite control varies depending on the extent of the infestation and method used.

However, choose a reliable and experienced pest control service, as they will help prevent future damage by eliminating termite infestation effectively.

How to Remove Termites from Wood Permanently?

If you are searching for “how to get rid of termites in wall” or “how to remove termites from wood permanently,” you can use the methods mentioned below.

1) Professional Pest Control

You can get the help of a professional pest control service to remove termites from your walls.

It will include all the steps, such as inspection, treatment, and monitoring. You can also take the help of online maid services in Delhi and Noida, as they help with assisting in treatment.

2) DIY Methods

DIY methods are used for minor infestations on walls. You can use termiticide, diatomaceous earth, or borax to kill termites. You can spray or apply them on the infested areas.

3) Environmental Changes

Eliminate sources of moisture, such as leaks or humidity. You should also remove damaged or rotten wood and keep your home ventilated. These factors will prevent the occurrence of termites.

Prevention Tips

Use these prevention tips to eliminate the problem of demak or termites or to keep them out of your house.

Reduce Moisture Levels

It is considered that termites thrive in damp or moist environments. So, keeping your home dry is the best way to prevent demak.

Ask your domestic maid to clean properly and don’t leave any area wet, especially the corners, walls, etc.

Check and fix leaky pipes, ensure proper drainage, and use humidifiers in damp areas. All these factors will help prevent termite infestations.

Store Firwood Away from the House

Do you have a firewood near your home? Then, you are literally inviting the termites to your house. Store the firewood at least 20 feet away from your house and off the ground. It will prevent the risk of attracting termites.

Use Termite-Resistant Materials

You should use termite-resistant materials, such as treated wood, metal, or concrete, when building or renovating your home or building.

It is because the termite-resistant materials are less appealing to termites, which helps prevent infestation and protect your home.

Regular Inspections

Regularly get your home inspected by a professional. They will help catch termite problems before they become severe.

Also, inspect your home for any signs of termites. You can also ask your full-time maid to inspect your house because their early detection can help prevent the infestation from growing.


Termites have been a problem for many Indian households. They often ruin everything, from your furniture to your belongings. They might be small but cause more damage.

However, with the right tools and methods, you can protect your home from these wood-eating insects.

Whether you choose DIY methods, professional pest control, or even the help of a skilled maid agency in Delhi and Noida, you should act quickly to get rid of demak or termites.

You should deal with termites sooner, as they will cause less damage. Use the prevention tips to remove termites and save yourself from searching again “how to remove demak (termites).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 How Often Should I Inspect My Home for Termites?

Ans You should inspect your home for termites at least once a year. However, if you live in a high-risk area, then inspect your house twice a year.

Q2 Can I Handle Termite Infestation on My Own?

Ans You can handle small termite infestations with DIY methods, but you should hire professional pest control services for larger infestations.

Q3 Are Natural Remedies Effective Against Termites?

Ans Natural remedies like orange oil and diatomaceous earth are effective against minor infestations. They are not enough for severe termite cases.

Q4 How Do I Choose the Right Pest Control Service?

Ans You should look for a reputable company with good reviews and proper licensing. They also have experience in dealing with termites.


By: Deepali

Tue, Sep 03, 2024

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