How to keep Mice Away from home

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Do you also hate the idea of an uninvited furry guest roaming around your house? They are small and harmless but can cause various problems in homes.

Once they sneak into your home, be prepared for damaged property, the spreading of diseases, and contaminated food. Mice are the common pest that can be eliminated by understanding their habits and food sources.

They make you feel stressed because seeing those chewed wires or foul odour is obviously an unpleasant scenario.

Are you also struggling to keep these tiny mice out of your home? Let’s learn a few effective ways that will help keep mice out of your home.

A curious mouse peeks out from behind a wall, its tiny eyes wide with wonder and a hint of mischief.

Why Do Mice Enter Your Homes?

Why mice enter your home is the widely asked question. Just like humans want food, warmth, and shelter, so do these mice. The primary reason they enter your home is for food and safety.

They get attracted to places where they can find these things easily. You give open invitations to them by unsealing your pet foods or crumbs on the floor and making the trash cans accessible.

These are some of the reasons that attract mice to your home, and understanding them can help prevent their entry and infestations.

Common Entry Points for Mice

We know these little and notorious pests are experts at sneaking into your home. But how do they do it? The mice can enter your home through small cracks and openings.

A small mouse peeks out from the shadowy corner of a wall, blending into its surroundings with cautious curiosity.

The gaps under doors and cracks in walls are the perfect entry point for them. Other entry points can include gaps around pipes and vents or utility lines. Sealing them can reduce the chances of a mice infestation.

What are the Signs You Have a Mice Problem?

How will you know mice have entered your home? Look for these signs to catch them before they cause more damage.

A colorful poster showcasing various mouse species and their unique habits, perfect for educational purposes.

  • One of the signs is finding droppings. You will know about the mice's presence if you see any small, dark, and rod-shaped drops in your home.
  • The gnaw marks on food packaging or furniture can cause a mice problem.
  • Another sign is unusual squeaking sounds in the walls or ceilings at night.
  • You can smell an unpleasant scent if mice are in your house as they tend to leave behind a bad odour.

Ways to Keep Mice Away Permanently

If you want to keep mice away from your home permanently, consider implementing some preventive measures. The best way to avoid a mice infestation is to make your home environment unwelcoming.

1) Seal Cracks and Openings

Mice can enter from the tiniest holes, so sealing the entry points can be beneficial. If you notice any gaps or holes, seal them using caulking or steel wool.

  • Check the walls, foundation, and attic for gaps or cracks.
  • Inspect the areas around pipes, vents, and windows.

A curious rat and a colorful bird stand side by side, showcasing an unlikely friendship in a vibrant setting.

2) Remove Food Sources

As we have learned, mice enter your home for food and shelter. That is why ensure there is nothing for them to eat. You can do it by-

  • Keep food in airtight containers.
  • Don’t leave crumbs on the floor. Clean them immediately. 
  • Take out the trash regularly and secure pet food properly.

3) Declutter and Clean Regularly

Regularly decluttering and cleaning your home will help keep mice away. Keep your clean and organized, especially storage areas, basements, and garages. Ask your full-time maid to ensure regular cleaning.

Natural Ways to Keep Mice Away

You can use natural ways to keep mice out of your home if you don’t want to use chemicals.

A collection of chemicals in small bottles.

  1. Peppermint Oil: Mice hate strong smells and often don’t come to places with strong scents. That is why you can use peppermint oil. Soak a cotton ball in the oil and apply it to the entry points. 
  2. Using Vinegar and Essential Oils: Another effective and great deterrent is the mixture of vinegar and essential oils like eucalyptus or tea tree oil. Spray on the potential entry points or problem areas.
  3. Spices and Strong Smelling Herbs: Spices and strong herbs are not usually used to make your food delicious. They also have other purpose, including keeping the mice away from your home. 

You can sprinkle herbs like cloves and cayenne pepper around your house. Don’t forget the areas where you have noticed mouse presence. You can take the help of your domestic helper to quickly complete the task.

Traps and Deterrents for Mice

You can use traps and deterrents to catch mice. They can also help control mouse infestations.

A rat munches on a piece of cheese placed on a classic wooden mousetrap, showcasing its cleverness and resourcefulness.

  1. Snap Traps: Snap traps are still the most effective way to catch mice. You can place them in dark corners and along walls, near the entry points, or where you have seen the signs of mice.
  2. Live Traps: If you don’t want to harm mice but also want to catch them, you can use live traps. Once they get trapped, you can release them far from your home.
  3. Ultrasonic devices: If you want a more modern solution, use ultrasonic devices. They emit high-frequency sounds that make mice come out of their hiding place and leave your house. Dont worry! They are safe for humans and pets.

Long-Term Solutions for Mice Prevention

You can prevent the mice problem using the mice control methods. However, you can also use long-term solutions to keep them out for good.

1) Maintaining your Home’s Exterior

Check your home’s exterior for cracks, holes, or signs of wear and tear regularly. Proper maintenance can help prevent mice infestations.

2) Installing Door Sweeps

Mice can easily enter under doors, so installing door sweeps can be an excellent idea. It will not allow them to slip inside through the gaps under doors.

A sturdy metal-framed door featuring a sleek door handle, inviting entry with its modern design.

3) Proper Storage of Food

Proper food storage is the best long-term solution to keep mice away. Seal your food and store it in containers because the mice can’t enter or chew through.

How to Safely Handle Mice Infestations?

You should handle mice infestations safely if you are already facing a mice problem. Here is how you can safely handle it.

  • When handling dead mice, wear the gloves. After that, place them in a sealed plastic bag before disposal. It will help prevent the spread of diseases. 
  • Clean and disinfect the areas where the mice were present. It is because they carry germs, making it necessary to disinfect areas, including floors, countertops, and even walls.

Professional Pest Control Services

If the mice infestation has become severe or you need expert advice, consider hiring professional pest control services.

Are you thinking about what benefits will they offer? They have the expertise to handle mice infestation effectively.

A man in a protective suit and mask holds a sprayer, ready to apply a solution in a safe and controlled manner.

  • A professional inspects your home thoroughly to identify entry points and the extent of manifestation.
  • They implement effective treatment methods, such as trapping, baiting, or applying chemicals. 
  • They also offer advice to prevent future mice infestations, like sealing entry points and removing food sources.
  • Some professional services also offer ongoing maintenance. This helps resolve the problem and detect early signs of new infestations.


Keeping mice out of your house and preventing their entry is not a complicated task, as you might have imagined. The right approach and preventive measures will ensure they don’t enter your home.

The mice enter your home for food and shelter, so sealing the entry points and removing food sources are the best ways to keep them away.

You can use natural ways to keep mice away with peppermint oil, vinegar, essential oils, spices and herbs. Also, handle the mice infestations carefully and safely.

By maintaining and cleaning your home, you can avoid mice infestation. So, consider hiring a cleaning or maid agency in Delhi and Noida to keep your home clean. They will help make your home clean, and this, in turn, will ensure mice don’t enter your house.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 What smell will keep mice away?

Ans The scents that will keep mice away include cinnamon, vinegar, peppermint oil, teabags, mint toothpaste, and many more.

Q2 How often should I check for entry points?

Ans You should check for entry points every few months, especially before and during winter.

Q3 Should I worry about mice during winter?

Ans It is highly likely for mice to enter your home during winter while looking for warmth and food.

Q4 Can mice squeeze through small gaps?

Ans Yes, mice can fit through small gaps, making it essential to seal all the entry points even the tiniest holes in your home.


By: Deepali

Fri, Sep 13, 2024

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