How to Dry Clean at Home Your Regular Clothes?

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Dry clean at home is practised by numerous nowadays in order to maintain the quality of their delicate fabrics and garments. However, with the help of appropriate knowledge and suitable care, you are able to acquire the best outcomes at your home without even spending a hefty dry cleaning bill. In this blog, we are going to examine the step-by-step procedure with the help of which you can safely deep clean your everyday clothes in the convenience of your own home.

What is Dry Cleaning and Why is it Important?

Dry cleaning is a cleaning methodology that doesn’t use water or a standard washing machine. Apart from this, it typically relies on particular cleaning liquids and a special dry cleaning machine that washes out stains and foul scents without harming the fabric.

You must know that water is harsh on some particular fabrics, specifically silk, wool, and leather. Therefore, a regular and deep cleaning with a washing machine can harm these clothes as
they have lace, buttons, sequins, or other mild decorations.

There are some dry cleaning machines that circulate the solvents, removing stubborn stains gently. They also contain filters that trap the impurities and prevent them from spreading over the cloth or fabric.

Dry cleaning holds the utmost importance which includes the following:

  • Protect delicate items.
  • Save your precious time.
  • Get rid of stubborn and tough stains and foul odours.
  • It can easily clean large items.
  • Free up the space in your closet.
  • Restore the old clothing.
  • Alter the damaged clothes.
  • Save your clothes from moths and other undesirable pests.
  • Get a spotless and perfect finish.

Materials You Need To Dry Clean At Home Your Regular Clothes

There are several dry cleaning materials that you will surely need in order to dry clean at home your regular clothes and clean them perfectly for any festival. Let’s learn about all the tools and equipment that you will need in order to dry clean your garments.

1. Clothing Refresher

Under clothing refresher, you will require the following materials for dry cleaning your apparel.

  • Washcloth
  • Wool dryer balls
  • Vodka
  • Essential oils
  • Lint brush
  • Zip-up garment bags
  • A well-ventilated area

2. Dry Clean at Home

When talking about DIY dry cleaning, you will need the materials in order to dry clean at home your regular clothes.

  • Dry cleaning solvent or at-home dry cleaning kit
  • Gentle detergent
  • Hanger
  • Clean white towels
  • Towel or drying rack
  • Steamer

3. Stain Treatment

Last but not least, it comes to removing stubborn and tough stains from your garments. Let’s learn what materials you will need in order to dry clean your regular clothes at home.

  • Stain remover like Amodex
  • Stain pre-treatment
  • White vinegar or dish soap
  • Horsehair brush or toothbrush
  • Oxygen bleach

How to Refresh Clothes at Home?

Never get bothered with special and dry clean-at-home products. You should know that an all-in-one at-home dry cleaning kit is basically a stain treatment.

It develops steam that refreshes the clothes and you are able to get similar refreshment in your regular clothes if you follow the steps that are mentioned below. However, if you feel any problem, then you can seek help from professional dry cleaning companies or an independent housekeeper.

Step 1: Toss Clothing in the Dryer With a Damp Washcloth

The foremost step is to toss your everyday clothes in the dryer with the use of a dampened washcloth. For this, you are required to wet a washcloth and then wring it out.

After wringing it out, the washcloth will become moist and damp. Now, don’t waste a minute and toss the washcloth in the dryer with your regular clothes for not more than five to ten minutes.

Step 2: Now, Add Essential Oils for Scent

After you toss your regular clothes in the dryer with the help of a dampened washcloth, now it’s time to move on to the second step, i.e., adding essential oils to get a perfect aroma in your clothes.

Everyone wants a subtle fragrance. And, for this, you are required to add a few drops of essential oil to the wool dryer balls or washcloth in order to get the fragrance.

How to Dry Clean Clothes at Home?

The name dry cleaning doesn’t mean that it is dry. No, it doesn’t. It used some kinds of liquid solvents. However, if you want to dry clean at home your regular clothes, you need to replace the chemical solvents with the help of water and mild detergent.

The general types of clothing for dry cleaning are cashmere, rayon, wool, silk, and all the other cocktail fabrics, but you are able to wash them at home. Beyond clothing, dry cleaning also applies to items like blankets and curtain dry cleaning as they are recommended for dry cleaning.

If you want to “DIY, i.e., do it yourself” dry clean your clothes at your home., then make sure to follow the below-mentioned steps in a careful and precise manner. If you get stuck in any doubt, then you can seek help from cleaning services.

Step 1: Create a Water Basin With a Detergent

The foremost stage is to create a basin loaded with cool water and a small amount of delicate or mild detergent. You should keep in mind that one teaspoon of detergent is sufficient.

This can be made with the use of a kitchen sink or a plastic basin. Now, in this basin, you need to place your regular clothes that you want to dry clean.

Step 2: Move Clothing Around and Let it Sit

Now, it’s time for the subsequent step. Use the dry cleaning solvent on a small, hidden spot of the clothes in order to provide compatibility. Now, move all the clothes around and swish the pieces.

Hang the garment on a hanger, let it sit and allow it to air dry for not less than 20 minutes extensively.

Step 3: Drain Basin and Press Clothes to Remove Extra Water

In the third step, you have to drain the basin and press the apparels in order to remove extra water.

For this, you will need to drain the basin or sink and press the clothes gently against the side.

Step 4: Refill Sink to Rinse, Then Drain

The next step is to refill the basin in order to rinse and then drain the basin. Here, you will need to fill the sink with clear water again.

Swish or waggle the clothes gently to rinse and then drain the sink again. Follow the procedure for all the clothes that you want to dry clean at home.

Step 5: Remove Excess Water by Pressing Clothes

Now remove the excess water. For this, you have to press the garments against the side of the basin.

With this, you can remove all the excess water. But remember, never squeeze the clothes or else they can get damaged.

Step 6: Dry Clothing

Parch the pieces flat on a neat and clean white towel or you can dry these garments by keeping them flat on a drying shelf.

Nevertheless, if you are washing silk fabric cloth, then you will be required to hang it on a plastic and not a wood hanger. This will help you greatly in order to control wrinkles or creases.

Step 7: Steam to Remove Wrinkles

Once you see that your clothing is dry, the successive stage is to steam the pieces of clothing in order to clear all the wrinkles and creases.

Steaming is the final process of the DIY dry cleaning system that can assist you in getting rid of wrinkles or creases and you will get completely cleaned clothes at your home.

How to Treat Stains at Home?

Tricky stains are basically one of the most crucial reasons that clothes are given to the nearest dry cleaners. Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that you are able to get all the stains out from your garments on your own.

Want to know how? Then, make sure to read the below-mentioned steps carefully and thoroughly. However, if you find these steps tough, then you must contact professional housekeeping services.

Step 1: Apply Stain Remover

You must understand that with the help of stain removers, you are able to get rid of all sorts of stains on your apparel as these removers have the prospect to clear blunt and difficult stains from every type of attire.

Nevertheless, the foremost stage is to eradicate stubborn and tough stains from your attire with the use of a stain remover. For this, you need to add a small amount of stain remover over the taint on the cloth.

Step 2: Brush Stain Remover into Stain and Let it Sit

Now, move to the following stage where you need to brush the taint or stain remover into the fibres with the use of a horsehair brush or toothbrush gently because the bristles are more delicate and softer.

Let it sit for at least an hour. However, an ideal time limit that you should keep for letting it sit is a few hours or even overnight. When you give the stain remover its proper time, then it will do its job perfectly.

If you want to remove a tough and problematic oil stain from your attire, then you should dab and pat it with white vinegar and water. This mixture will relieve the stain and you will be able to take the stain out from your apparel.

Step 3: Add Oxygen Bleach to Brighten Your Clothing

The last step is to brighten your clothes. You can do this by adding oxygen bleach to the washing phase that we discussed earlier.

Now, use the warm water in order to activate the product thoroughly. With this, you are able to remove the stains from your clothes perfectly.

What Clothing You Can Dry Clean At Home?

There are lots of fabrics and clothes that can be dry cleaned at home, as long as you have enough time and progressive tools and equipment to do it correctly.

Here is a proper list of clothes that should have to be dry cleaned properly at your home. These clothes are mentioned below:

  • Jeans and denim
  • Trousers
  • Blouses
  • Unstructured outerwear
  • Clothing made up of silk, cashmere, wool, or rayon.

What Clothing You Should Not Dry Clean At Home?

There are lots of fabrics and clothes that can be dry-cleaned skilfully. Thus, we suggest you take this attire to a professional dry cleaner or seek help from expert online dry cleaning services.

Here is a useful list of clothes that should not have to be dry-cleaned at home and should be cleaned by seeking help from the experts. These clothes are mentioned below:

Leather jackets

  • Leather and suede
  • Wedding dress or any sentimental or antique clothing.
  • Natural fur
  • Delicate lace
  • VelvetGarments with lots of embroidery
  • Clothing with lots of beads, gems, or sequins
  • Pleated shirts and skirts
  • Structured outwear, such as suit jackets with shoulder pads

How to Dry Clean Different Garments at Home?

If you are determined to dry clean at home your different clothes as well along with the regular ones, including coats and jackets, suits and blazers, dresses, and blankets, you will need to follow specified steps for each clothing. Let’s discuss how you can dry clean your different clothes at home properly. All these techniques along with different clothing types are mentioned below.

1. Coats and Jackets

If your coats and jackets are made up of a material that enables them to be cleaned in the machine, then you are free to put them in a laundry bag for delicates, and then rinse them with cool water.

Coats and Jackets

Nevertheless, you should make sure to inspect the label preferably, and then you should take this apparel to a professional dry cleaner if mandated, or else, you can dry clean at home your normal coats and jackets.

2. Suits and Blazers

For suits and blazers, you need to check the label again. If this care label states that your suits and blazers are able to dry clean, then you are free to make use of a dry-cleaning bag.

Suits and Blazers

For this, you need to place a dry cleaning sheet in this bag, and then you will have to use the dryer for not more than 30 minutes on medium warmth.

3. Dresses

For dresses, again you need to check the care label first. Now, if the care label articulates that your dress is able to be machine-washed, then make sure to make the usage of cool water and a short cycle while your dress is in a laundry bag for delicates.


If your dress can only be dry cleaned, then you are required to operate a dry cleaning bag with a dry cleaning sheet. Using this particularly will be the best choice.

4. Blankets and Curtains

You need to check whether your blankets and curtains are made up of materials that permit them to be washed in your machine. Here, you need to use cool water and a short cycle that does not use overly speed and force.

Blankets and Curtains

If your blankets and curtains are overly soft, light, and delicate to endure washing in the machine, you need to put them in a dry cleaning bag with a dry cleaning sheet and make use of your dryer for at least 30 minutes on medium heat.

When to Seek Help from Professional Dry Cleaning Services?

If you are not feeling satisfied or comfortable, are not able to comprehend the technique or strategy of dry clean at home, or don’t have enough time to clean specific pieces of clothing, then it is time to take assistance from professional cleaning services.

Let’s understand how dry cleaning companies like Ninja Care can help you with your laundry and dry cleaning in a bit more detail.

How Ninja Care Can Help You?

Now, no need to search for the closest dry cleaners near me as Ninja Care is here to serve you by all means. It is a leading online dry cleaning service provider in Delhi, NCR and aims to deliver the best services to the customers.

Ninja Care Can Help You

We strive to provide our clients with adept dry cleaning services that will improve the life of their clothes. Our team of experienced and quality cleaners will take care of everything without giving you any pressure or stress.

A Quick Recap

With a little care and utilising the most useful tools and suitable materials, you can successfully dry clean at home your everyday clothes. By following these steps, you will not only be able to save hefty money on professional dry cleaning services but also prolong the lifespan of your apparel.

However, if you are getting stuck somewhere, then make sure to seek help from a professional dry cleaning company like Ninja Care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can I dry clean my clothes at home?

Ans. In a bowl, you have to add 3/4 cup of water, 4 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar, 1 teaspoon of borax, and 1 teaspoon of oxygen bleach powder. Now, take a clean washcloth, dip it into the mixture and wring it out. After this, you need to put it into the bag or pillowcase, then let it dry for at least 15 to 20 minutes in the dryer.

Q. Can normal clothes be dry cleaned?

Ans. Even though multiple garments can be washed at home by either machine or hand, fabrics like silk, rayon, velvet, and suede should have to be taken to professional dry cleaning companies. Most of the regular clothes can be dry-cleaned if required.

Q. How are clothes dry cleaned?

Ans. Dry cleaning still comprises liquids, but clothes are soaked in a water-free liquid solvent. This water-free liquid is generally non-polar, as opposed to water which is a polar solvent. Tetrachloroethylene or perchloroethylene (perc) is the most widely used solvent.

Q. Can hand wash clothes be dry cleaned?

Ans. Yes, but it totally depends on the fabric. There are some fabrics that are friendly for dry cleaning such as cashmere, linen, and silk that can be dry cleaned. However, those clothes with a “hand wash only” tag can be damaged with dry cleaning chemicals such as perchloroethylene (perc) or tetrachloroethylene.


By: Varsha Ojha

Sat, Jan 27, 2024

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